Rubber Plantation Sector

Rubber plantation industry has recorded commendable progress during the last 5 decades in the total area of cultivation, production and productivity of natural rubber. Though this achievement is appreciable considering that major part of the production is from nearly one million small holdings with an average holding size 0.57ha, majority are not in a position to meet the quality production standards of the global market. Knowledge and adoption of   scientific and cost effective techniques are imperative to face the challenges ahead. The increased demand for natural rubber necessitates its increased production and this could be possible only by increasing the area and enhancing the productivity of existing plantation. The Division focuses on imparting scientific knowledge for cost effective rubber cultivation practices to achieve increased production and productivity at reduced cost without compromising quality. Latest location specific research recommendations in the fields of crop improvement, crop protection and crop management  and latex harvest were given due thrust in the programs with a view to maximizing production and optimum use of available land and ancillary income generation for the beneficiaries

Name Duration Date Fee  
Rubber Plantation development Programmes
RC 01-Short term training on rubber cultivation for small growers (in Malayalam) 5 days Oct 14-18 Rs. 2000/-[+ 18% GST]
More Available Dates
  • Oct 14-18
  • Mar 03-07
RC 02-Short term training on rubber cultivation for estate sectors 3 days Jan 06-08 Rs. 4500/-[+ 18% GST]
RC 03-Short term training on Rubber Cultivation for growers from North East and Non Traditional Regions- Regional Training 3 days Sep 23-25 Rs. 900/-[+ 18% GST]
More Available Dates
  • Sep 23-25
  • Nov 04-06
  • Jan 08-10
  • Mar 19-21
RC 04-Advanced training on rubber cultivation and rubber plantation management 3 days
RC 05-Training on Good Agricultural Practices for Sustainable Rubber Production 2 days Aug 27-28 Rs. 1500/-[+ 18% GST]
More Available Dates
  • Aug 27-28
  • Nov 11-12
  • Jan 23-24
General Training Programmes
GT 01-Training on beekeeping in rubber plantation 1 day
GT 01 Online-Training on beekeeping in rubber plantation-Online 1 day
GT 02-Training on spraying and maintenance of sprayers 1 day
GT 02- Online-Training on spraying and maintenance of sprayers- Online 1 day
GT 03-Training on latex harvest technology 2 days Aug 12-13 Rs. 1000/-[+ 18% GST]
More Available Dates
  • Aug 12-13
  • Oct 21-22
  • Jan 16-17
GT 04-Training on Nursery Management 2 days Oct 28-29 Rs. 1000/-[+ 18% GST]
GT 04 - Online-Training on Nursery Management - Online 1 day
GT 05-Training on pests and disease control 1 day
GT 05 Online-Training on pests and disease control-Online 1 day
GT 06-Training on Production of planting materials and clones 1 day
GT 06 -Online-Training on Production of planting materials and clones 1 day
GT 07-Training on rain guarding 1 day
GT 08-Training on low frequency and controlled upward tapping 1 day
GT 08- Online-Training on low frequency and controlled upward tapping -Online 1 day
GT 09-Training on manuring in rubber 1 day
GT 09 Online-Training on manuring in rubber 1 day
GT 10-Training on intercropping in rubber 1 day
GT 10-Online-Training on intercropping in rubber 1 day
GT 11-Training on planting and up-keep 1 day
GT 11 Online-Training on planting and up-keep 1 day
Education Development Programmes - RPDT
ED 07-Training on plant science/Biotechnology 3 days
Visit cum Training Programmes- RPDT
VT 02- RPDT-Sastradarsan for UG/PG students of Agriculture/Basic sciences/Rubber Technology/Life Sciences/VHSC students 1 day
International Training Programmes- RPDT
INT 01-Advanced training on rubber cultivation and plantation management 5 days
INT 03-Overseas training on rubber cultivation 3 days
Long Duration Courses-RPDT
CMBBT-Molecular Biology & Biotechnology Techniques 3 days
PGDRPM-Post Graduate Diploma in Rubber Plantation Management 1 day

Contact Us

National Institute for Rubber Training

Department of Training,
Rubber Board PO, Kottayam-9,
Kerala, India.
Pin: 686 009.

91-481-2353127, 2353168, 2351313, 2353325, 2353201



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